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Who We Are

Guide Ring Solutions is an American Consulting Firm specializing in Business and Technology Solution Delivery.  We help clients bring their business & technology strategy to market - It's our Passion and it's All We Do! 


As an organically grown enterprise, our focus is entirely on serving clients, honing our craft, competing in the free market and providing opportunities for people who share our values.  Our experts in the field of Solution Delivery continually strive to learn and innovate, share insights and evangelize our belief in the principles of servant leadership.   We'll conduct ourselves with truthfulness, respect and humility; we recognize our customers and clients are why we're here.  


We want to affect our clients in meaningful ways.  Today, many companies claim they focus first on their people, then on their customers.  This isn't our stated position - we believe both are equally important.  We're here to serve first and in doing so believe it creates a healthy culture for our people, our customers and our market.     

What Makes Us Different

Creative Process Thinkers - In navigating around our Site you'll see many services that are standard fare for consulting firms of our ilk - you'll also see many services and concepts that you will not see anywhere else.  Many of our offerings are unique to Guide Ring because we will not be limited by conventional wisdom.  We're not afraid to ask questions and start with the assumption that people had good reasons for the approaches they've chosen but never afraid to challenge.  As system thinkers and students of human nature we consider ourselves thought leaders where people, process and tools intersect.  We've piloted many new approaches to delivering solutions and have turned those into services we can leverage across a variety of landscapes to help others solve their solution delivery challenges.  

Pragmatic Thought Leadership - Some times high brow thought and common sense don't live in the same atmosphere, but it's the air we strive to breath at Guide Ring.  Whether you need an expert level organizational design and change management consultant, or a gritty project guide and cheerleader; Guide Ring will be the Solution Delivery Partner you need.  

The Hippocratic Oath of IT - Okay, it's a made up term... We're pretty sure we coined it and it perfectly illustrates our philosophy - Do No Harm to Existing Projects in pursuit of Strategic Process Improvement and Excellence.  We implement some pretty elegant strategies to help your organization excel at solution delivery - but we won't break any projects in the process :)   

Our Values 

Honesty - without it, everything is broken.  With it, even broken things can be fixed.

Authentic - Being truthful is sometimes hard and loving

Courage - we will always strive to maintain our stated values - regardless of the circumstances we face

Humility - earnestly search out truth and be confident in your pursuit but weigh everything and be open to self reflection.  

Respect - treat others as you would like to be treated.

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